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Spritzer, like the drink.
Just a li'l blog situation.
Bev Spritzer
Sep 4, 20243 min read
Intention is overrated.
I used to do a lot of yoga. Hot yoga, especially. Loved it. My body craved it. Then my body went ahead and birthed a coupl'a humans in...
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Bev Spritzer
Oct 16, 20232 min read
We're still here.
My dad's parents, Avram and Sonya, were both Holocaust survivors. They had full families before the war - people they loved, married,...
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Bev Spritzer
Sep 29, 20233 min read
What becomes of all the world's tweets?
[Can I even still call them tweets? I still call the SkyDome the SkyDome even though it is most definitely no longer called the...
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Bev Spritzer
Jul 7, 20232 min read
Thigh Gap Good, Resume Gap Bad.
Hello. It’s 2023 and my legs are still secretly supposed to have a thigh gap. Also, my body is supposed to carry and support and birth a...
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Bev Spritzer
Jun 8, 20233 min read
It's entirely possible to sabotage literally any moment of calm, and here's how!
You're sitting there. Your kids have recently fallen asleep on the couch. You've transferred them seamlessly into their beds. The time is...
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Bev Spritzer
May 24, 20232 min read
Help what do I write about next? (And other questions for humans.)
Not an AI command. Legitimate question. To myself, but also, to not myself. Why is it so hard to think of a topic to write about when...
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Bev Spritzer
Apr 17, 20233 min read
What do we want? POCKETS!
If you identify as female you already know: The most glorious, nay, luxurious feature you can find on any traditionally female garment...
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Bev Spritzer
Apr 11, 20233 min read
Hot take: I already miss the cold.
Ok first, let me just say this: I realize I'm incredibly lucky to live in a geographic location that allows me to experience all four...
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Bev Spritzer
Mar 23, 20231 min read
An incomplete compendium of my very toxic traits.
I will unfailingly apply hand cream *right before* I need to do something extremely dexterous like open a tiny container, or turn a...
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Bev Spritzer
Mar 23, 20231 min read
Very Important Life Advices.
Be kind to yourself. But not too kind. You still have work to do and did you really deserve that snack as a reward for typing exactly...
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